The year 2020 has been a different year than the past. Various untruthful information flew around the world, a state of emergency was declared, and people-to-people relationships changed their shape and form from the past. However, it is not only negative things that have happened, but also various things that were going to happen in the future have come earlier than expected. I believe that this is because people have taken a fresh look at the current situation, thought about the future, and acted accordingly. Personally, it was also the year that I resigned from the company I joined as a new graduate in July and started my own coffee shop. Unlike when I was working at the company, I was able to have more time for myself than ever before, and it gave me a chance to think more about what is normal and what is everyday life. It gave me a chance to think more than ever about what is normal and what is everyday life. I think I can now see a little bit ahead how I want to live my life in the future. It was also a year that I was blessed with connections with many people. Even if the way of being and the form of that connection changes in the future, the core of my life will always remain the same. In 2021, I will be preparing to open the doors of “Coffee Urano”. With the help of many people, I would like to create a space where I can put aside various things and calm my mind, which I could never achieve alone.